MICHAEL L. CONWAY Consultant Engineer Assessor
M. L. Conway Consulting Engineer Assessor is recognised within the Insurance Industry, the Legal Profession and all sectors of the Motor Trade as being a leading Independent Consulting Engineer Assessor over the past 15 years. M. L. Conway’s Clients Include, the Insurance Industry, Motor Trade Industry, Private individuals and the Legal Profession. I can carry out inspections in all 32 counties of Ireland and conduct specialised inspections. Michael Conway is the inspecting Engineer with M. L. Conway, carries out all inspections and compiles all reports; therefore using M. L. Conway’s services guarantees expert knowledge dealing with all queries the Clients may have. Prior to the birth of M. L. Conway Consulting Engineer Assessor, Michael Conway having qualified, gained vast experience in the Motor Trade in the understanding of the operations of
- Light Motor Vehicles
- Heavy Commercial Vehicles
- Plant Machinery
- Vehicle body repairs
Michael Conway also has gained experience in Customer Care and dealing with warranty issues; therefore in dealing with issues, Michael Conway has experience in dealing with all concerns.